This blog is an off shoot from the page with the same name on Facebook, that I started after a failed, but amazing attempt to have the dogs appear on Oprah. Oprah in the name just wasn't cutting it. That page was an off shoot of a petition in the form of a Facebook event to have the dogs appear while MV was to appear. Going forward, again, this final page and blog will be the route to awareness, understanding and acceptance. All through the dogs who set some new rules.
I was asked recently: "So, when/why did you first get involved (mentally, physically, emotionally) with the V Dogs?" So how does one Crazy Cat Lady from Canada become a voice for a collective group of dogs? Unlike many, I did not follow from the beginning, I came into it in 2010, when the Sports Illustrated article made its way to me via the foster woman I had just adopted a cat from. That takes care of the mental and emotional part of it. That was it, I was on my way to soaking up every bit of knowledge I could get on these dogs. See, I was just relearning what it meant to have a dog, first one to grace my home in 20 years. (Crazy Cat Lady, remember.) I have always been an animal lover. Always. I brought home tears and pleas to adopt or rescue, beginning at a very young age. I am still the big city girl who marvels and (maybe) gets a little too excited over meeting farm animals. But, my choice, as an adult, was the marvel that is cats. So, enter my little Bichon Frise (Alfie), and the story of the V Dogs burst into my mind and heart. I knew, from watching Alfie try to overcome a life of neglect how difficult it must have been for anyone to face helping over 40 dogs. I had never heard of so many dogs needing help at one time.
While working to soak up any and all information I could get, scrounging for any an all details, I came across The Vick Dog Blog. I sat here with my daughter, and we laughed, until tears came, at little Uba. His story was so different and so heartwarming. I felt good about moving forward and seeking out more of the dogs. I found Hector and Cherry on Facebook, and continued until I was satisfied I had found all I could. I just marveled at them and their people. Then I found a blog on BAD RAP's site that blew me away. It made me so angry. Why would anyone cancel on these amazing therapy dogs, Hector and Jonny Justice and all those kids? Moving forward to 2011, and I saw MV was to appear. That was it, I was pretty angry, thinking of Hector and Jonny Justice and all those kids. Specifically, the wee one in her Sunday best. I sent an email to Cherry's parents, asking if it was okay if I acted. I got the permission I sought, and that was the physical part of my involvement.
At that time, I was afforded the "luxury" of dealing with non-threatening health issues, so I was home, doing the doctor rounds. Every single day, and every single night I was on that petition/event, making sure things were kosher. When I moved to the page, I sought more ways to put the dogs above the man. Learning from the errors and what did not work, I am still mentally, emotionally and as physically involved as I can be. Why would I not? I have learned so much being on this end. What I have received is far greater than anything I set out to do.
So, there you have it. Except one thing... the purpose. Simply as I can say it, to help these dogs and their people in any way I can. Rethinking, relearning and reaching out. THAT is the essence of inspiration, and these dogs and the people who love them have great power to inspire the world. I do hope you will join us.
Sending much love and best wishes for 2012. This IS the year of the Vicktory Dog.
- Nikhi
You did great!!! Thank you for your passion and love for these severely misjudged dogs!
Wonderful, Nikhi. I have never followed a blog before, but I am so looking forward to following this one. I've learned so much from you this year about the Vick Dogs. Of course I have met Jhumpa and her "person". They are an amazing duo and a force to be reckoned with. Arizona and I thank you for everything you are doing to help educate people about this wonderful, loyal, and loving breed.
Dee O.
I really love that you are doing this. I have been following the dogs since the raid and I am thankful for the positive awareness that this terrible abuse has brought to the forefront for pitbulls and us who love them.
Nikhi, it's so exciting to read your first blog post! Like you, I've never had a pit bull type dog, but I grew up with a small mixed breed (aka mutt), and currently have 2 chihuahuas and 2 cats. Until I started learning about the Vicktory dogs, I really only knew the myths that have been perpetuated. Since following many of the dogs' stories on Facebook and following your page as well, I have a whole new understanding of these dogs. I think I have more 4-legged friends on FB now than 2-legged, but I'm ok with that!
I'm really looking forward to following your blog, o thank you for starting it!
Last night you said that suprises were coming our way. You DID it. I too am like Laurie, minus the cats. (2) chihuahuas and believed the myths. The V-dogs have changed my way of thinking not only about Pit Bull type dogs, but all dogs.
Congrats on starting your blog. I look forward to following it.
Best in 2012
Rose Villegas
Dear Nikhi
So good to have this blogspot. I too came to the Vicktory dogs after being referred to it on The Rally against Micheal Vick page by one of my activist friends. Their story made me cry so much and then I just plain got mad. How dare this person be allowed back into football and my anger knew no limits. I joined every protest page sent letters etc to Nike and the other corporates without a concience. Then I found Cherry and Handsome on FB and suddenly here was the positive in this whole debacle. How I love to read their FB pages and see their pics. This is where the social media really shines because prior to it we would have no daily updates on their progress-maybe we could get to see an nterview or read an article about them but nothing personal like this.This is just keeping the positive real. They are all so dear to my heart now because I have become so emotionally invested in them.Their are way too few stories where the dogs win against such enormous odds. You keep it up girl-there can never be too much said about these amazing dogs.
Hi Nikhi!
First of all I want to say that I love reading your FB posts so reading your blog posts will be just as exciting I am sure! I feel like through you I have come to know the Victory dogs so well! I even have a pawtograph from Cherry and Handsome Dan sitting on my dresser! Keep up the good work and we will follow you in your fight!
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