Last night, as I sat and put my questions together for Hector, I began to mentally prepare all the questions I have about the Vick dogs still looking for homes. This blog excites me, because of what it can do for them, and all animals who just need that chance to enrich someone's life. Then something hit me. It was another blog post I planned to do, in future. That seems a little more pressing now, because it involves people. People with families, people with pets. Animals cannot be saved without people and people should not have to give up their pets because they cannot find a place to live who accepts pets, or they face losing their homes. My sincerest hope is that this will offer you an option to have a home, always.
I started thinking about how desperate the economy is, everywhere. Then, I had another thought...BSL (Breed Specific Legislation). I grew up in a city that imposed BSL, but when you got to the end of the city and crossed the street to the next, it was not imposed. This happens everywhere, in every country- even though we are seeing varying degrees of victories, it is a devastating issue, much like the economy is now. Economy and BSL and the impact on families. THIS is what this blog is about.
I am a simple person, my daughter is as well. Give us our laptops, books, place to bake and our animals, put together in a warm place to live- we are set. I started looking into options to see me one day become a home owner. As I would look through the pics of the homes for sale and floor plans, I came across the Tiny House Movement. I was blown away. How completely brilliant, and it was happening everywhere. Some of the houses were a little small for my liking, but perfect for an animal lover. Some are mobile, some are not.. They are transformed school buses, yurts or simple little houses.They even have little Hobbit homes and transformed garbage and shipping containers. The options are endless. But, they are that- options.
One of my first stops on the Tiny House Train was Tumbleweed Tiny House Company. The one I thought could do us well was the Fencl. My daughter would have her own space in the sleep loft, and I could remain downstairs. Not a lot of room to run, inside, but, would get us outside and enjoying life. What dog would not love that? Eager to know more, I continued looking and I came across Tiny House Blog. This has become a valuable resource while I look for the best options. The blog covers every corner of the world, and shows some very unique ideas on living small- where and how. For more insight into what types of home are available, and from who, I came across Tiny House Design. I am sure some are gasping at the thought of adding children to a life of tiny house living, but it is doable. An article on Tiny House Listings can help you learn a little more about how. I do think that this would also include people who have furry children. There are still things to be considered. They have toys and clothes for weather, as well. Not as much, maybe more.
Comforts we have become accustomed to are still available when living small, and they do not have to be as imposing. I am sure you love your big washing machine and matching dryer, but there are compact versions that will not be imposing, but still be effective. Same as stoves, fridges, sinks, dishwashers and bathing. Crate training can still happen with furniture (like a table) that can serve double duty. Will not be a good choice for some of the tiny homes, but, again, it comes down to options. Stairs can be transformed into bookcases, that will enable your pet easy access to the bed they are accustomed to sleeping in, while giving you place to put items. Wicker or metal boxes in some, empty for a cat to nestle into. (Although we all know the cat will prefer the spot already taken.) A litter box can be put in the shower stall, leashes can be hung under a coat or a double duty piece of furniture.
One thing that would worry me is this- moving to a tiny home and leaving your pet outside. I could never condone this...ever. The choice to go small is a big one, and each and every option should be weighed. You can keep your family together, no need to worry about where you will live with your dog and you can really enjoy life. You need to think what are the most important things in life. You would have to downsize, which means storing, selling or donating a lot , or even most, of your possessions. I bet if you get down to it, all that is really important is your family staying together and having a place to rest your heads-even if only the basic comforts are met. A place to call home. The things that are most important is what truly touches our hearts. Is it the big tv and oversized sofa? Or is it peace of mind, enjoying life and being together?
I know for a lot of people, the money factor is an obstacle. So, I share Dee Williams, her dog and the home they share. It was done for $3500. Short video, but there are more about Dee Williams. She says at one point that it is all a trade off. And it is. If you hate feeling confined, there is a big world out there to explore and people to meet. For people who are concerned about the earth, this is as green as it gets. It is not a new concept, this is how people lived who came to new lands and staked their claims. Larger houses is relatively new. More possessions, too. Always something bigger or better...but, is it?
I hope I have helped open your thoughts to another way of life, a life much like our people before us lived. A life where you do not have to worry about how you will afford to feed your family, putting a nest egg aside or who will accept your dog and where. Life is full of options, and the best choices we can make is sustaining our health and families. Is this for everyone? Maybe not the prefabs, but, figure who needs to be there, and what you truly need in a home. You can find the perfect affordable home to keep you together. Or, you can find an address for your business...or even a little place to rescue. The options are as endless as your imagination and needs. Transforming an old Airstream or camper can certainly help you live better over the tough times. Who knows, you may like it enough to design and build your own tiny home. One thing that is certain, beyond any will be able to keep your dog. Or cat.
While you think this over, I will be preparing my post on the V Dogs still looking for homes. Take a look over the internet, see what is out there, explore your options. A key to a new door is opened. I want all of the V Dog friends happy and healthy...and enjoying their families... at home.
Warmest regards, always...
For a look at what BSL means and who is affected globally, please check out the Wikipedia page. Will give you a better idea.
good points Nikhi. might also check out ...
i also did a blog for the Seattle newspaper about alt. housing a few years ago, with lots of info...
Very interesting, I've never heard of these houses before now.
More great work, Nikhi. :-)
One little thing... BSL? What's that? I Googled it. Oh, OK. Now it makes sense. Maybe you should include a wee link (or even type it all out just once per post) for us peeps who don't live and breathe animal rights. :-)
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